Monday, 5 January 2015

My New Inking Booth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all,
I just wanted to share my newest acquisition to my scraproom...
This all started with a thought and a drawing that was strategically placed in my gorgeous hubbys lap.
No more over sprays on my white desk.
Thought I would share it with you all while it is all nice, new and very clean.

The easel allows for me to put pages on and I also included a chain with a bulldog clip from the
 pole across the top so I could hang papers to spray or
hang once inked or painted. Great for the drippy look.

I placed baskets on the sides so I could store all my sprays there for easy access.
 I have rings with all my stencils hanging from the pole.
A light to see better and its positions so it doesn't throw shadows.
The shelf underneath will eventually have a bin, gloves,sponges, brushes and paper towel and the every faithful baby wipes.

I hope you enjoyed a peek in my scrap room.
I will have to clean it up and add a few more photos

have a great day

Carol xx

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