CSI- Color, Stories and Inspiration
This is my layout for case file no 120
This is the story of my husband Mum "Christina " taken many years ago when she was about 4 years of age. The scene is at the Collarenabri Pony Club which her father was one of the stalwarts of. Christina Martyn aka "Peggy " was the daughter of a shearer in the town of Collarenabri which is in the north west area of New South Wales. The Martyn boys were well known in the district for the shearing prowess and the connections to the pony club. Collarenabri was a small shearing town as the pony club was one of the highlights for the locals. Due to hard times fleece is no longer a major product of the area and all the Martyn's have moved from the area.
Testimony is the story and I decided to learn something very new to me and tried my hand at " Haiku "
A bit of a challenge in its self but I think that I covered it well.
The Evidence
I selected several of the pieces of evidence for this layout only because I loved so many of them. Gesso, this was easy as I can't remember a page that I haven't used Gesso on. I decided to created a doily effect on one of the layers.
Another piece of evidence that I used was something sheer. I took a film strip placed some vellum on it and then put a couple of pictures of Peggy behind.
I love the result as it made the filmstrip come to life and look like a real one. I will definitely use this again.

Continuing on with evidence I have a couple of animal accents being the horse in the picture, there is a bird on a nest and another bird above the picture.
The next one is something upside down, this is three roses at the bottom of the page, upside down.
Finally this is case file 120 that I took inspiration from to create this pretty page in memory of
my mother- in -law. Thanks CSI for another great case file
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy this layout
keep smiling